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Textbook: Writing for Statistics and Data Science

If you are looking for my textbook Writing for Statistics and Data Science here it is for free in the Open Educational Resource Commons. Wri...

Monday, 26 August 2019

Seasteading Economic Opportunities Overview

This is an attempt to start a conversation about different means of making a living while seasteading. From chatter online, I've heard many of the same intended sources of income: bitcoin and other crypto mining, playing the stock market, tourism, and freelance software engineering.

These strategies won't work. Not because they are bad ways to make a living, but because the supply will quickly outsize the demand, no matter how good each worker is at programming, or how amazing each oceanic hotel is. Somebody has to grow the food for all these service and knowledge workers.

In short, we need economic diversity.

Below are some seasteading-based economic opportunities, arranged by their distinct advantages.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Replication report: Multilevel-Linear-Models using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs

The following is a report on the reproduction of the statistical work in the paper “Differences of Type I error rates for ANOVA and Multilevel-Linear-Models using SAS and SPSS for repeated measures designs" by Nicolas Haverkamp and AndrĂ© Beauducel at the University of Bonn.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Reversi in R - Part 2: Graphics and Custom Boards

In this post, I finish the Reversi / Othello game in R by improving the graphics, adding the ability to save and load boards, and fixing bugs. Also, many more boards have been added and tested, including those with unusual shapes, three or more players, and walls that can make the board into unusual shapes or even break it in half.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Reading questions: Struck by Lightning

The book Struck by Lightning, by Jeffery Rosenthal hits that balance of scientific correctness and approachability just right for a general audience book on probability. It’s been in print for 14 years now, and was a Canadian bestseller, so there’s nothing new that would come from a traditional review and therefore I won’t write one.

Instead, two points:

1.      It should be required K-12 or 100-level math/stats reading.